Thursday, September 24, 2009

Waiting my good Friday

There is a gathering tomorrow night after work, in Sg
Our little rich girl girl will drive her Honda Civic to Sg
*We are proud of you, you bought your own new car with your own capability
And fetch us to dinner
A crazy night awaiting us

My earlier birthday celebration in Sg
My first birthday celebration in Sg

A gang of good friends celebrate for me every year
At different places, although mostly in Ptn
Thanks dear all
I appreciate...


星期六的夜晚 即轻松又快乐 是难得让我的脑袋瓜休息的日子

更加开心的是 短短几天的假期 让我充电储存精力后能再继续努力

这样的美好夜晚 巧约了从英国回来的朋友叙旧

几年不见的友人 见了面 即熟悉又陌生

大家说着各自的境况 工作朋友家人伴侣旅行

谈不完聊不完的话题 让之前稍有陌生的感觉完全消失

这样的聚会 是少之又少的 珍惜这难得碰上的机会

如今风光的外表 背后的血与泪 却又有多少人能看见

你奋斗的精神 得到我的敬佩 是我学习的好对象

加油 我对自己说